10 Scientific Ways to Get a Cat to Like You - Cat Officiel
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Monday, April 26, 2021

10 Scientific Ways to Get a Cat to Like You


Cats to be mysterious animals but believe it or not it's easy to buy the off with a feline. If you know what to do in this article will show you 10 proven ways drool from scientific studies to get a cat to like you.

Let them call the shots cats are so adorable that people want to greet them with a big hug some people go out to the cat colder them and trying to pet them to win the movie but remember this is a common mistake for cat lovers according to recent studies it's best to let the cat make the first move a study conducted in Switzerland has shown that when humans sit back and white and focus on something else like reading a book cats are more likely to approach and less likely to withdraw when humans respond this is why many kitties are attracted to allergic people as people with allergies do really see count to pet cats another study from the University of Zurich Usher found the interactions lost longer and are more successful when they both initiate selectivity and decides when it ends cats are very independent creatures they don't like to be smothered with affection and they need some personal space every now and then if you'll catch a just play signs of aggression just walk away is expected to end an unpleasant interaction before it leads to a strain in the relationship pet them where they enjoy it most how does your preferred being pets it's a question that has stopped many a study found that the to behavioral responses like pairing or needing when they are Pat between the eyes and ears and they display more negative response pet around a Paleteria yes that's right cats don't actually enjoy being stroked at the base of that child at least that was the case for most of the 54 cats in this study researches believe that it an area is an erogenous Zone and passing this part of their body lay over stimulate them the researchers did not attempt to pet the cats better you probably because they didn't want the risk of injury I can't spell the area is very vulnerable so touching it may be stressful or even threatening and remember can't see patching as a team to grooming or licking which happens between two friendly cats check your settings a cat sense of smell is the main way they identify people in objects they sense of smell is 14 times better than that's what humans if a cat is afraid of you make sure to check you will send as your cat may be staying clear of it you may have the sense of another cat or a dog on your pain so you may have strong smells like perfume deodorizes disinfectants bleach garlic onions on your clothing if you can't Retreats when they sniff your hand it may be because they don't like the smell of your hand soap make sure to use unscented hand soaps and shampoos hand sanitizer and makeup remover wipes you may think the Saints will fade away out for a few hours be okay it will still be able to smell them for a long time off to its approach them like a cats cats communicate primarily through Sen's and Body Language most felines grease each other with a nose to nose Sniff and why do humans shake hands text food to say hello to increase your bun with a cat try approaching them the way they would greet other felines mimic the nose-to-nose behavior by gently offering your loan threatening fingertip at they notice level your finger acts like a no substance and most cats woken up and sniff or investigate your finger insurance is all you may even get a cheap rub against your finger lucky you that's basically it can't sway of greasing you conversely the katmai pack away if they feel unsure about interacting mimic feline seeds if your older dog you probably know that Kayla is love nothing more than sniffing around and exploring the new smells of the world around them cats on the other hand they're like new smells and any unfamiliar sense can put them off at this is why most cats to know big fans of change relocation or strangers as new environments bring a lots of new smells and signs they have yet to explore if you don't want to bring you smells to a cat's how do you make spray yourself with a cat pheromone pheromones or type of chemical communication the old cats use to interact with each other and the environment around them these messages are released from the scent glands around their body different pheromones send different messages to other cats and influence their behavior is this is why you can't make bump you rub their body on objects by doing so they leave pheromone messages often Times Colonist use pheromone sprays to protecting you object to Furniture but if you are the new object want to spray yourself to come a new cat human interaction over food that's when she said research conducted in Oregon State University study abroad the most the scientist off of cats a choice between in food toys sent and social interaction with humans and watch what crappens believe it or not they found that most cats profess social interaction with humans over everything else even food interesting the enough some recent studies suggest that what really attracts cats to humans is the presence of interactive toys like a woman's toy with feathers strings or other prey like attachments that evoke attached predatory behavior frequence interactive play is an excellent way to bond with your feline and keep them fit don't block the exits cats are very territorial creatures if you appear as an imposing enormous creature in that space they may perceive you as a threat instead get down an approach them at that level and make sure not to block the exits cancer more likely bond with you if I feel they are in control of the space around them and can come and go when they won't blink slowly but never staff can't stare when they call him saying their ability to stay without regular blinking helps them keep a close eye on their prey if you stare at them you are giving them the same look they give when they hunt instead give them plenty of long slow blinks this shows that currently you all relax and friendly and you don't want to hump them believe it or not animal experts use the slow blinking techniques to calm Fayetteville cats Retreats at the right time there are many signs that a cat doesn't like your actions or feels uncomfortable around you some signs of it's like hissing and biting like when they flatten it is on Twitch their tails if you get one of these signals it's time to start Retreat when they get negative feedback Maine because they love pet sitting and spending time with that feeling so much that I don't recognize that they cannot isn't enjoying it to you count full so cats like you but when a cat loves that you give that personal space and respect that sometimes the more likely they will trust you and come back when they're ready used treats strategically you can encourage you catch beanie you with a yummy stinky treats this doesn't mean sharing them with treats it will take long instead use treat strategically to either reward good social interactions with you or to entice you can quietly to the the trade so they associate your voice with rewards and one adult play wolf down and he kind of dog food you bring I cannot Bulldog cats are not very food motivated so you might have to search for a treat that lady like .

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