My CAT Keeps ATTACKING My DOG (Reasons & How to Stop It) - Cat Officiel
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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

My CAT Keeps ATTACKING My DOG (Reasons & How to Stop It)

The phrase fighting like cats and dogs implied these two animals can never get a low-interest if they're both happy and healthy they have every chance to be best friends. We explain more with these reasons why I can't make him attacking the dog.

It in the wild cats and dogs to have to compete for resources and even consider each other prey in the right circumstances thanks domestication they have human guard used to provide them with the carrot security they need with a competition element withdrawn they had the chance to coexist peacefully when they don't it may be due to the following.

First socialization: if a feline has never come in contact with a dog before it's possible they will attack the unknown the socialization process is too important for kittens if they're not socialized properly they kind of problems relating to humans and other animals also.

Negative experiences: even with good socialization with other animals and humans cats can have traumatic experiences which affect how they relate to others for example the cat which has been attacked by a dog in the past May attack other dogs out of fear these triggers can be highly stressful for the cat.

Dog crosses boundaries: of a cat may not be scared of dogs even if they're just being friendly to play with the cat scratch or bite them to show them a line has been crossed.

Protecting resources: domestication is led to cats living in relatively safe environments there still territorial animals they will defend their territory if they think it is being in any way threatened when a dog comes into the home they may eat the cat's food sleep in their favorite spot or even take away the affection from the Human family. May attack if they feel the security is being compromised by the dog.

Stress: cats are animals every team if a dog comes into the hope it can be a major upset and maybe aggression directed towards the dog for a second because of stress may result.

Do cats attack dogs for no reason?: in hello Deb of reasons could explain why your cat attacks of dog this don't always something we can determine all dogs and cats are individuals with their own personalities and preferences some cats and dogs are the dogs cats are often sensitive animals and some dogs with two greater destruction to the life and well-being we should also be careful to ensure the cat is actually attacking the dog dogs to play fight fighting to the uninitiated even if there's a little tension to start most cats and dogs will become friends or at least tolerate each other's presence after some time I ever there are things we can do to help them along introduce them soon if you're bringing a dog into the home of the cat keep them in separate areas to begin with and slowly bring them together use pheromones synthetic Families 2 cheats the presents with something positive begin education a little dogs could be more easily trained both cats and dogs need to respect each other's see a professional if your dog and cats if they do not get along there may be something you're missing seek the help of a qualified to follow just to help assess your situation and see if there's a plan to help him let us know in the comments if your cat and dog get along and we'll see you next time.

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