That's Why Your Cat Sleeps with You - Cat Officiel
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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

That's Why Your Cat Sleeps with You


Here's how it goes he ignores me all day except when he wants something come evening Felix is ready to cuddle up and be the cutest little Slumber buddy may may may ever wondered why your cat loves to sleep on your bed so much and pee is this safe for you first things.


 They're just using you as a free heater that's always look for the warmest places in the house to hang out at they can be by the fireplace between cushions on the sofa or wherever the sun falls on a bright day when it's night time and the sun's gone they prefer to stay close to or even on top of their human there's your cat like the LIE right on your head well that's where most of the heat comes from they feel safe this way cats are most active at Dusk and Dawn and don't feel very safe at night just like humans they feel more secure when their loved ones are near that's why kittens are in trouble for their mom during the first weeks of their lives as they grow older they still sick that feeling of security find it near their favorite human and start purring happily it's a way of marking their territory cat owners know the feeling all too well it's like you're a personal servant rather than your pet owner and that's how your cat sees it to you or there's along with everything else in the house including the bed they might be kind enough to share it with you but they still need you to know who's boss so they leave their scent on your linen maybe even scratch the boards and mark the Plex it's just so comfy no surprises here the animal that brought us the cat nap needs up to 15 hours of Healthy sleep a day kittens and Senior cats need even more than that as well as any cat during rain or bad weather now if you slept that much what would you prefer the floor a thin little cat bed or huge mattress with a warm human lying on top the choice is obvious even for a cat it's a way of saying I love you can tell you this directly so they need your legs bring you gifts show you their belly and sleep by your side to show affection they can be independent and antisocial especially compared to dogs but they miss you dearly when you're awake and only let their guard down like this near someone they really trust how precious what is it safe well that'll depend on who you ask will hear the arguments and I'll let you decide down in the comments which side of the debate you're on the naysayers argue that having a cat in your bed can disrupt healthy sleep some cats news all night some actively move around in search of a more comfortable position but all of them wake up by Dawn and the fun begins blunt don't forget that this animal step down around and it's on German fested toilet several times a day if Felix so happens to put his precious and filthy little paw on your face you could wind up with an STI infection and even if you're not allergic to cat dander constantly having fur right next to your nose and all of your linen can't be good for you despite all that enthusiastic at lovers explain that these fluff balls are great stress relievers and healers they often lie down on their owners aching spots to help one study found that cats are also like a natural sleeping aid helping people relax enough to not sleeping together is also a great way to bond with your pet to put a lid on this debate that source of heat thing doesn't have to be one-sided my cat keeps me warm too if you do let your kid bunk with you but you're not getting much sleep because whiskers is keeping you away then don't ignore the issue show your cat that you don't approve of this you can move him away from you or point of the cat bed in the opposite corner of the room and if he wakes you up before you're ready never reward this bad behavior with trees and play time but if all you can think is I want all that but my cat won't sleep with me well there are ways to lower them in make it a must in your daily routine to play with your kitty throughout the day and especially in the evening even just 10 minutes of energetic playing will do a pet that gets tired during the day will sleep tight at night try brain stimulating puzzle toys and regular active games you can even take it for a walk on a leash before bed they don't help burn off some of your cat's energy put his cat tree next to your bed it might just jump out of it and on your mattress simply out of cat curiosity feed your kitty before going to sleep it's natural for them to snooze after a good meal so they'll get used to it and more likely go to bed with you afterwards hey let the can't decide are some treats and then let us spend time on your back if it is sociates the bed with treats and relaxation it'll most likely come back some cats like crispy clean sheets so try changing that others prefer the smell of their owner so keep a t-shirt or some other clothing item you wore on the bat and if your can't still refuses to bump with you maybe you're a heavy snoring.

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