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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

CATS SLEEPING Facts About Cat Sleep Compilation

 Life in big cities means cats need to share virtually all spaces within the home often including our beds this leads many people to wonder if sleeping next to a cat is actually bad we also May question if children are vulnerable people should be allowed to sleep next to cats are you curious to know more keep reading this article.

Those who enjoy sharing their bed with cats are aware it is a routine which can positively affect the well-being of both us and our cats feline. helps us to reach a state of relaxation and Tranquility allowing us to fall asleep more easily this can lead to Greater emotional stability for both of us even the cat's body temperature Which is higher than a human's can help us feel more cozy in winter like why is the majority of the cats would sleep with their owners display more affectionate Behavior improving the bond we share together waking up with our cats can also be very positive helping us to start the day in a good mood in addition we should know that sleeping cats are usually very beneficial to children as a cat can act as a totem of security satisfaction and relaxation sleeping next to a cat does have some disadvantages some Cat Guardians want to sleep next to a cat when they are kittens but want their own space when the cat becomes a told if we stop letting them sleep in our bed you can call that I stressed the cat as I do not understand why they're being rejected and expelled from one of their sleeping areas another important aspect is the quality of sleep in fact several Studies have shown that some owners experience trouble sleeping when next to the cat this is usually due to higher body temperature and summer scratches or movement from the cast or even dead hair over the sheets in addition to the aforementioned disadvantages we need to take into account possible diseases transmitted by cats specifically zoonotic diseases which can affect humans a little cats with access the outside are most likely to develop disease even indoor cats have the potential to contract them the most common feline diseases include fungal infections campylobacteriosis infections Lyme's disease ringworm scabies in addition they can also transmit external and internal parasites such as ticks on tip worms and encourage the onset of allergies or asthma is it possible to sleep next to cat safely we can prevent them from going outside because this reduces fights with other cats the spread of disease an infestation of internal and external parasites if your cat is being a lawyer that regularly you will need to prevent access progressively we also advise you brush your cat regularly in addition to elimination of dead hair it will help to detect diseases parasites and skin problems more quickly another important prevention method is regular battery check-ups every 6 to 12 months or so I specialist can be a careful analysis as well as provide a schedule for vaccinations and periodic deworming remember but even indoor cats can spread parasites if you have any doctors about your cat's Health whether or not they sleep in the same bed don't hesitate to take them to the veterinarian if you share a bed with your cat please share your experiences in the comments below .

Cats love Heights they love them so much there's even a name for it known as high-rise syndrome this refers to cats which like to climb up the high places and unfortunately have a tendency to fall possibly resulting in serious injury but not all height related activity is dangerous behavior for cats there are many benefits for a cat sleeping in Elevated Places if you ever wondered why your cat loves sleeping in high places provides the possible explanations if we analyze feline Behavior we can quickly observe they dedicate more time to resting and high places and other areas of the home it's why you will see them climb trees when outside or even take up space on the back of the couch what are the benefits of this behavior is it just because they enjoy us here are the five reasons cats like to sleep in high places domestic cats are especially curious animals so much so that they won't hesitate to sniff at anything you bring in the heist or follow Shadows along the wall at the same time stimulation in the home can be limited in these animals they look for things to investigate and climbing up high as an excellent what happened to run them precisely for this reason it is necessary to offer comfortable and safe structures where they can rest and observe their environment we can encourage this by placing the scratching post near the window so they can observe the outside world would like going out there there are many factors which can make your cat feel threatened as they are such sensitive animals they may consider certain changes as a threat an example could be the introduction of a dog into the family home this can generate behaviors related to fear and aggression cats make lime pie to feel more secure in such situations in these circumstances or even in a general sense the cat may look for high places to seek refuge and recover their well-being when feeling threatened insecure or frightened can't spend the majority of their day at rest as it's their favorite activity in fact cats will find various favorite air is inside the home to rest however this doesn't mean they will always sleep soundly in some cases they may be simply laying down without actually sleeping tire places tend to be some of their favorite rest areas because they offer isolation away from the busy activities within the home and offered better chance of sleep if you have a cat you will know these animals don't like to be cold cats only tend to be on the grind when it's warm such as in the summer or on an indoor carpet in the coldest times of the year feelings look for one places to snuggle in the farther from the cold grind the better it's even possible we can see them hiding inside a cupboard or the inside of a scratching post additionally as most central heating is lowered on and heat rises the cat will often prefer staying in higher places where they can find more Comfort hello domestic cats may seem very calm animals the truth is that they are very sensitive to change it's easy for the cats experience anxiety and stress for various reasons and to seek refuge in certain spaces once again Heights provide the cat with a necessary isolation to obtain Camp tranquility and peaceful rest they are also excellent refuges for cats afraid of fireworks or even the hair dryer know you knew five reasons would explain why your cat likes to sleep up high maybe you have some of your own thoughts you'd like to share such as their favorite places to get cozy .

we may provide them with the comfiest cat bed available some cats will insist on using people as their pillow there are many reasons for this Behavior which we explained in this Animal why is your cat always on top of you one of the most common reasons a cat sleeps on top of you is because they want to feel safe especially when sleeping in the wild sleep increases their chances of being attacked by a predator sleeping in top of the trust in human gives them security as well as warmth and comfort to sleep peacefully another major reason is because the cat misses you and wants to spend time with you especially if you spend a lot of time away from home during the day a cat can miss your affection and attention this is why they take advantage of your presents when you are on it if you want to know more about where the cats miss their owners All About feline human bonding here and in the description why does your cat sleep on your head a little cats will choose to snuggle and any part of your body they often choose to sleep on our heads are three main reasons for this Behavior the first is that many people are restless and move their entire bodies when sleeping disturbing any nearby sleeping cats it is for this reason they decided keeping your head thinking at the quietest place and avoiding being crushed the second reason is juicier smell as we already know cats are territorial they feel safer when they can smell something pleasant and familiar I eat your head before continuing don't forget to subscribe to our channel to know everything about cat behavior receive Veterinary advice and much more I'm finally the third reason is due to body heat pants are sensitive to the cold and have a different body temperature to us your head is often the warmest place for them to sleep many people think that sleeping next to cat is bad especially outdoor cats you may be more likely to spread dirt and disease this is not entirely true if your cat leaves the heist we need to be careful with vaccinations and deworming schedules if you see any changes in their physicality or behavior we need to take me to the veterinary if you fulfill your responsibility to maintain health and hygiene in the vast majority of cases your cat can sleep when you put out any problem do you have any funny tales about cats sleeping near you if so please show them in the comments .

most cats sleep during the day from one main reason they are crepuscular animals most active during the Twilight hours however this is not the only reason why cats are less active during the day time difference environmental health factors come into play to talk to the cat that doesn't let you sleep or suddenly seems very restless at the end of the day don't worry we will talk about the causes which explain this behavior and offer some tips to help you resolve the cat is a crepuscular animal meaning it is most active at dawn and dusk they prefer hours with less like to go hunting feed and perform other activities although some domestic cats have managed to that they're sleeping ours to lose if their human companions many still retain their natural behavior that are more active at this time of day this is well as a series of factors we will D2 further to make your cat not sleep during the day it's no secret that cats are much more precious animals and dogs not having a comfortable and safe bed can be the reason your cat doesn't sleep at night to choose the right product it's essential to observe the animal and pay attention to its preferences in general cats prefer beds with provide board and security how much are just the right size for them as beds are too large aren't always so cozy if you notice your cat has a predilection for your bed or sofa I never liked on in the room is possibly because they don't like it and you should change it many cats prefer sleeping up high if they are prohibited from access to high places in the home at night they may only sleep while you're away if you suspect this is a reason why your cat doesn't sleep at night please show at a suitable height to which they have access or even find some special cat trees with several levels and observe their behavior cats which don't usually do any type of exercise have a greater predisposition to being active during the night due to accumulated energy the lack of play also produces a heightened state of boredom this may result in the cat becoming destructive towards furniture or other objects in the home is possible this is why your cat doesn't sleep at night I'm meows to try and get your attention in relation to the previous Point cats would spend many hours alone during the day and don't have the right environmental enrichment often take advantage of sleep this means by night time they're totally rested and ready to enjoy your company if they try to play with you but don't succeed they may run around be destructive or Meow loudly if your cat doesn't sleep at night and goes to your bedroom to me I thought you for attention they may be asking for food if you wake up provide what they're asking for the animal learns at this is a way to get what they want they don't consider the fact that bothers you or your sleep are simply more concerned about the desire to have something to eat without realizing it you may be reinforcing Behavior which is bad booth for the cat and for yourself cats eat. Is more intense than that of dogs leading them to despair if they don't meant during this. Both females and males are more active at night could you sing loud moans and meows which disturb our sleep the suffering is such that their Instinct can leave them to try to flee from home to find a suitable partner with your cat doesn't stop meowing at night disrupt your sleep is restless and is over 6 months of age is likely to be due to their heat cycle for this reason and many more sterilize the animal is recommended by veterinarians to be best for their health if you've already ruled out the previous cases but continue to ask why your cat doesn't sleep at night and meows constantly don't hesitate to go to the vet to check to see if they have a health program a little excessive meowing is usually related to a mental issue they can also admit these vocalizations to let us know they're physically in pain or otherwise don't feel well as you seen there are several causes which explain why your cat doesn't let you sleep at night it's even possible there's some combination of them if your cat prefers to sleep during the day for whatever reason we need to find out the cause of the week and address the problem and help your feline friend to have a better quality of life the following tips will help you do just that as we said physical activity is very important to keep your cat stimulated entire that might this way I'd like they will feel more exhausted it's all supposed to play at different times throughout the day especially in the afternoon comfortable warm and safe place to sleep is kisutu not skin from providing the most suitable bad for your cat especially if you spend many hours alone during the day it's essential you have toys and objects to keep your cat stimulated and entertained you can choose different types of scratching post cat trees food dispenser toys intelligence games and even use olfactory stimuli such as catnip as we've indicated feed them before going to bed to ensure they don't go hungry during the night and can't sleep if the cause is a lack of activity and you can't provide the hours of play they need it may be a good idea to incorporate a new member into the family this is not a decision to be taken lightly to analyze your cat's character and only choose a new feline tenant if it's suitable and carry out the correct introduction between the two with the heat cycle being a major cause of restlessness choosing to sterilize the animal may be the best solution for male cats as well as female the signs both you and the cat getting more sleep at night it will reduce the suffering they go through from being so frustrated at not missing sterilization has other advantages such as breast cancer reducing the development of behavioral problems avoiding uterine infection and avoiding Market in the hope if you still can't find the cause of your cat not sleeping at night and this is causing you difficulty in sleeping and Wade Vines you visit a professional finding a veterinarian who specialize in mythology will be able to provide an analysis as to why they are sleeping as well as advice on what to do about it does your cat not let you get to sleep why do you think this is the case let us know by sharing your experience in the comments.

My CAT Keeps ATTACKING My DOG (Reasons & How to Stop It)

The phrase fighting like cats and dogs implied these two animals can never get a low-interest if they're both happy and healthy they have every chance to be best friends. We explain more with these reasons why I can't make him attacking the dog.

It in the wild cats and dogs to have to compete for resources and even consider each other prey in the right circumstances thanks domestication they have human guard used to provide them with the carrot security they need with a competition element withdrawn they had the chance to coexist peacefully when they don't it may be due to the following.

First socialization: if a feline has never come in contact with a dog before it's possible they will attack the unknown the socialization process is too important for kittens if they're not socialized properly they kind of problems relating to humans and other animals also.

Negative experiences: even with good socialization with other animals and humans cats can have traumatic experiences which affect how they relate to others for example the cat which has been attacked by a dog in the past May attack other dogs out of fear these triggers can be highly stressful for the cat.

Dog crosses boundaries: of a cat may not be scared of dogs even if they're just being friendly to play with the cat scratch or bite them to show them a line has been crossed.

Protecting resources: domestication is led to cats living in relatively safe environments there still territorial animals they will defend their territory if they think it is being in any way threatened when a dog comes into the home they may eat the cat's food sleep in their favorite spot or even take away the affection from the Human family. May attack if they feel the security is being compromised by the dog.

Stress: cats are animals every team if a dog comes into the hope it can be a major upset and maybe aggression directed towards the dog for a second because of stress may result.

Do cats attack dogs for no reason?: in hello Deb of reasons could explain why your cat attacks of dog this don't always something we can determine all dogs and cats are individuals with their own personalities and preferences some cats and dogs are the dogs cats are often sensitive animals and some dogs with two greater destruction to the life and well-being we should also be careful to ensure the cat is actually attacking the dog dogs to play fight fighting to the uninitiated even if there's a little tension to start most cats and dogs will become friends or at least tolerate each other's presence after some time I ever there are things we can do to help them along introduce them soon if you're bringing a dog into the home of the cat keep them in separate areas to begin with and slowly bring them together use pheromones synthetic Families 2 cheats the presents with something positive begin education a little dogs could be more easily trained both cats and dogs need to respect each other's see a professional if your dog and cats if they do not get along there may be something you're missing seek the help of a qualified to follow just to help assess your situation and see if there's a plan to help him let us know in the comments if your cat and dog get along and we'll see you next time.



If dogs and cats live in the same home you will probably have noticed one trying to eat the others food?

You may have also wondered is this healthy can you offer dog food to a cat in an emergency in this Cat site will answer these questions and explain what happens when cats eat dog.

Composition of Dog food: Dog food  and cat food is manufactured according to different formulas and recipes they're made of different ingredients to meet the very nutritional needs of each animal Austin further specified by catering to different stages of the lights or to certain health issues for this reason food for dogs contains high concentrations of betta carotene which the dog needs to convert into vitamin-a this is crucial for K9 development and don't put it in rice with other vitamins and fiber what is also lower and proteins and fat than cat food this is because dog tend to gain weight more easily when these elements are of a higher concentration something which will happen if they eat cat food regularly Freddy dog it's best to eat food specific to the species age and state of well-being.

What does a cat need for nutrition? Unlike the canine diet cats need food rich in protein and fat but lower and fiber it is crucial that cats eat a diet rich in vitamin A since they are unable to metabolize this on the road the same can be said of touring an amino acid with cats in the wild up in for me especially viscera such as the liver or heart they are unable to produce it on their own so it needs to be provided their food taurine is extremely important for the health of a cat a diet insufficient in the substance will result in various health problems with heart disease being particularly concerning similarly when you think about our cat's diet we need to keep in mind there are obligate carnivores this is due to the importance of having the high and mighty footings finding meet these proteins are necessary for the cat to have energy to adequately carry out an active life another obligatory element of a cat's diet is arachidonic acid important omega-6 fatty acid needed for feline Health dogs not require this in their food is their body produces it naturally cats needed to be included in the food with the nutritional Necessities mind you may still be worried about the consequences of one pets do in the others food if a cat eats your dog's food on a one-off occasion should be no serious repercussions for the health problems only likely to occur when it becomes a regular practice this may happen either because of pet odor decides to feed them the same food or unable to prevent one from eating the others food as we have already explained the different fees are formulated free species if your cat has a tendency to eat the dog's food instead of their own the nutritional needs will not be match the consequence if your cat will get sick starting with symptoms you make infused with other illnesses such as discomfort vomiting diarrhea for hair loss in the long run the result will be malnutrition leading to kidney and liver disease which can be lethal in cats if your cat eats the dog's food regularly or vice versa you will need to find ways to avoid it here are three helpful tips dogs and cats distinguish shapes and sizes so having two equally shitballs for both pets can make it difficult for them to identify which food has their own purchase containers have different shapes and sizes to avoid confusion whether or not you spend all day at home having a schedule for meals is crucial different feeding schedule the ones you to control the amount they eat as well as helping them to be hungry at different times if your dog or cat has a weakness for the other Foods especially when the heat at the same time of day it's best to serve their food in different parts of the home you can even close off doors during feeding time at necessary this will help them to know where the food is when they need it until leave the others alone know you know why it's not good for a cat to eat dog food in a regular basis you may have your own experience to share if so leave us a comment. 

That's Why Your Cat Sleeps with You


Here's how it goes he ignores me all day except when he wants something come evening Felix is ready to cuddle up and be the cutest little Slumber buddy may may may ever wondered why your cat loves to sleep on your bed so much and pee is this safe for you first things.


 They're just using you as a free heater that's always look for the warmest places in the house to hang out at they can be by the fireplace between cushions on the sofa or wherever the sun falls on a bright day when it's night time and the sun's gone they prefer to stay close to or even on top of their human there's your cat like the LIE right on your head well that's where most of the heat comes from they feel safe this way cats are most active at Dusk and Dawn and don't feel very safe at night just like humans they feel more secure when their loved ones are near that's why kittens are in trouble for their mom during the first weeks of their lives as they grow older they still sick that feeling of security find it near their favorite human and start purring happily it's a way of marking their territory cat owners know the feeling all too well it's like you're a personal servant rather than your pet owner and that's how your cat sees it to you or there's along with everything else in the house including the bed they might be kind enough to share it with you but they still need you to know who's boss so they leave their scent on your linen maybe even scratch the boards and mark the Plex it's just so comfy no surprises here the animal that brought us the cat nap needs up to 15 hours of Healthy sleep a day kittens and Senior cats need even more than that as well as any cat during rain or bad weather now if you slept that much what would you prefer the floor a thin little cat bed or huge mattress with a warm human lying on top the choice is obvious even for a cat it's a way of saying I love you can tell you this directly so they need your legs bring you gifts show you their belly and sleep by your side to show affection they can be independent and antisocial especially compared to dogs but they miss you dearly when you're awake and only let their guard down like this near someone they really trust how precious what is it safe well that'll depend on who you ask will hear the arguments and I'll let you decide down in the comments which side of the debate you're on the naysayers argue that having a cat in your bed can disrupt healthy sleep some cats news all night some actively move around in search of a more comfortable position but all of them wake up by Dawn and the fun begins blunt don't forget that this animal step down around and it's on German fested toilet several times a day if Felix so happens to put his precious and filthy little paw on your face you could wind up with an STI infection and even if you're not allergic to cat dander constantly having fur right next to your nose and all of your linen can't be good for you despite all that enthusiastic at lovers explain that these fluff balls are great stress relievers and healers they often lie down on their owners aching spots to help one study found that cats are also like a natural sleeping aid helping people relax enough to not sleeping together is also a great way to bond with your pet to put a lid on this debate that source of heat thing doesn't have to be one-sided my cat keeps me warm too if you do let your kid bunk with you but you're not getting much sleep because whiskers is keeping you away then don't ignore the issue show your cat that you don't approve of this you can move him away from you or point of the cat bed in the opposite corner of the room and if he wakes you up before you're ready never reward this bad behavior with trees and play time but if all you can think is I want all that but my cat won't sleep with me well there are ways to lower them in make it a must in your daily routine to play with your kitty throughout the day and especially in the evening even just 10 minutes of energetic playing will do a pet that gets tired during the day will sleep tight at night try brain stimulating puzzle toys and regular active games you can even take it for a walk on a leash before bed they don't help burn off some of your cat's energy put his cat tree next to your bed it might just jump out of it and on your mattress simply out of cat curiosity feed your kitty before going to sleep it's natural for them to snooze after a good meal so they'll get used to it and more likely go to bed with you afterwards hey let the can't decide are some treats and then let us spend time on your back if it is sociates the bed with treats and relaxation it'll most likely come back some cats like crispy clean sheets so try changing that others prefer the smell of their owner so keep a t-shirt or some other clothing item you wore on the bat and if your can't still refuses to bump with you maybe you're a heavy snoring.

11 Human Foods Your Cat Can Eat


Welcome back to my site looking for a healthy snack for your cat you don't have to go much further than your kitchen pantry with a growing demand for freshly prepared food your cat also deserves to get the best treats before whipping up a snack for your feline friend you should know that some foods are good for them while other foods can be deadly but that shouldn't stop you from making delicious home cooked meals for your kitty it's time for you to pick up the chef hat and get creative in the kitchen can cats eat chicken would go bananas blueberries and bread. Stay tuned to find out which human foods are safe for cats.

1- Salmon: salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and it's one of the best brain boosting foods for humans but what about cats well it's nutritious and delicious food that your feline will love giving them a piece of salmon would make the perfect treat there are some precautions you need to follow in order to give them a yummy healthy meal is important to make sure all bones are removed if it's not good for humans then it's definitely not good for cats also be sure to cook the salmon a little bit to get rid of any parasites are harmful bacteria do not share your sushi what are some helpful tricks you use while cooking salmon let us know all about it in the comment section below.

2- Chicken: Chicken is popular among humans and rightly so they're cheap easily available packed with protein and can be cooked in any style do you see your cat begging for the chicken you're eating maybe it's time for you to share some these creatures are natural meat eaters animal protein is a good source of necessary nutrients so go ahead and prepare that well-deserved chicken meal for your cat remember don't use chicken as a constant meal replacement since it may upset their stomach it should be boiled and free of any seasoning oil onion or garlic.

3- Oatmeal: oats are super healthy for humans as their list of nutritional value goes on and on this may make you wonder if it's safe for your pet there are several oatmeal bass cat foods available but nothing can match the freshness and deliciousness of homemade oatmeal it's a perfect addition to your felines diet nutritional value for cats as compared to other grains it's packed with fiber and antioxidants among other essential nutrients adding a little oatmeal to your pet's diet will contribute some iron vitamin B6 and calcium remember to use it as a supplement meal and introduce it slowly into their diet.

4- Bananas: humans aren't the only ones who enjoy the benefits of a banana we know that they're rich sources of potassium but did you know that they make for an excellent cat snack although this may seem a bit strange you can easily replace highly-processed treats for a banana the potassium content high fiber and vitamin B6 present in bananas is as good for cats as it is for humans it'll keep the digestive system healthy it also has a positive effect on the nervous system and fights inflammation if your cat has developed a taste for it then there is no harm giving it to them every now and then.

5- Bread: a slice of warm bread is a tasty treat for many pet parents but shouldn't be shared with a feline friend yes it's another one of the foods you can share with your cat the only prerequisite being it should be slightly baked and yeast-free it can provide your kitty with some much-needed nutrients and fiber if you're thinking about giving them bread then stick to whole grain it goes without saying that too much bread is never good for humans or for cats they don't need those insane amount of carbs as long as they have a lean body and are in good shape you can add a little bit of bread for some razzle-dazzle.

6- Blueberries: blueberries are rich sources of antioxidants vitamins minerals and essential nutrients for humans it ranks among the top foods that are good for maintaining your brain health when it comes to cats they enjoy these tiny snacks every now and then possessing such incredible nutritional benefits of blueberries will make for an excellent addition to homemade cat food the best way to prepare blueberries is to add a couple of them into a chicken or salmon meal limit the usage of the berries to just 20 calories every day if your kitty seems to be gaining weight as a result of the human food you'll want to cut back on the treats.

7- Turkey: another lean meat that is loved by humans and cats equally is turkey if you're thinking about feeding your cat the turkey leftovers from Thanksgiving you can it's a much safer and healthier option remove any skin bones or fat from this roasted meat before giving it to them the bones can Splinter and too much fat is just as bad for your cat as it is for you the Oregon needs of the turkey like the liver gizzards or hard offer great nutritional benefits as long as you cook them first you can also cook and freeze gizzards as a refreshing treat dehydrated organs make for a wonderful to be snack that will keep your pets teeth healthy rate.

8- Peas: this one may come as a surprise to many guess you can feed peas to your cat imagine the number of dishes you can prepare now for humans peas are a great source of proteins they help control your blood sugar and digestion green peas are high in fiber vitamin CNA keys and cat food are nothing new you may have noticed that some cat foods include peas in their commercial food production they enjoy having peas in different forms like frozen fresh or cooked if your kitty is nujabes try adding a couple of slightly mashed cooked peas to their food before working up to Fresh peas because I can help ease digestion of a new food.

9- Spinach: you can never go wrong with leafy greens like spinach for humans are felines packed with fiber vitamins iron and potassium in spinach is a good cat friendly option while you can offer to your feline friend experts in Courage doing so in moderation and by moderation we need a Libra to Surf occasionally as we mentioned earlier cats are natural-born carnivores so you should never replace their staple diet with spinach they can live exclusively on a diet of meat but adding spinach into their food once in awhile shouldn't be a problem just keep it as a treat for good behavior.

10- Eggs: eggs are a staple breakfast meal easy and cheap one can never go wrong with this healthy diet option packed with essential vitamins and calcium every part of the egg has some benefit for the human body but what about fully cooked eggs are a great addition to your cat's meals it's also used as a way to entice them to eat medicine although rich with the goodness of amino acids keep in mind an egg doesn't make the perfect cat meal you have to balance it out but we say go ahead and prepare that delicious breakfast your cat will love you for.

11- Carrots: carrots are a great source of vitamins minerals and other nutrients they can help improve our eyesight to but what about cats you'll be surprised to know that they're perfect for your furry buddy just as carrots are good for us they're also awesome for cats to essential vitamins are in important part of your cat's diet in order for them to stay healthy carrots are a great source of fiber and are suggested as a healthy and safe snack for them however as with any other snack they should only be given in moderation just a little bit of everything for a well-balanced helping meal.

12- Fish oil: fish oil is extracted from the fish tissue and is a healthy dietary supplement consuming one or two teaspoons of fish oil every week will support your heart help promote weight loss and reduce inflammation speaking of cats it is equally beneficial including fish oil in your cat's meow will improve your cat's heart condition and reduce the risk for developing irregular heartbeat fish oil can be called a miracle supplement due to its remarkable benefits it also keeps your kidneys kidneys protected from potential disease when it comes to older cats fish oil release their joint from the pain of age-related arthritis fish oil supplements can be easily found and included in any of your cat's meals.

13- Fresh fruit: have you noticed your cat chewing on houseplants that's an indication that your cat is trying to compensate for the loss of minerals and vitamins in the body although many cats do spies the smell and taste of friends it's actually healthy option for them which fruit is the best for cats count slope loaded with antioxidants cantaloupe keeps your cat skin and eyes healthy another fruit you can feed them is melon but in small quantities remember to get rid of all the seeds cats being natural kind of course they have a very small capacity to regulate vegetarian food do you think homemade cat meals are better than packed foods which foods are you going to share with your kitty let out your inner chef and tell us in the comments below.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

19 Awesome Cats That Cost a Fortune


19 awesome cats that cost a fortune there are more than 250 cat breeds in the world hairless and furry Wayward and friendly tender and freedom-loving how much do the most expensive breeds cost do you know tell the truth you'll be really surprised to discover the prices of the most exotic cats in the world did you know which one is the most expensive that cat is crazy expensive but incredibly awesome.

19- Norwegian Forest cat: kittens price varies from 600 to $3,000 this cat's ancestors were bred by Vikings 2000 years ago cute and furry this cat can stand harsh Frost and is a great hunter.

18- Himalayan cat: a kitten cost from 500 to $1,300 this breed looks much like a Persian cat but it's characterized by blue eyes and colorpoint coloring light body with dark face be ears and tail Emily and cast for bread in 1950 in the USA himalayans are obedient and Friendly Cab for the Contempo.

17- Scottish fold: a kitten cost from 200 to $1,500 the calling card of Scottish Fold is cute ears that unlike that don't stick up usual feature is the result of genetic mutation these cats are incredibly smart the easily get along with other family members are always ready to play one more distinctive feature of Scottish Fold is that they can stand on their hind legs and observe things they're interested.

16- Peterbald: this will cost you $4 to $1,200 the peterbald also known as Petersburg Sphinx was bread and Russia in 1994 these beautiful cat have slim bodies elongated heads and large extended here's the body can be bald or fuzzy Peter balls are social tender tempered and easy to train.

15- Egyptian Mau: to become an owner of an ancient Egyptian cat you should pay from 500 to $1,500 the appearance of these cats has changed in the years since the time of ancient Egypt these cats have not only a spotted coat but also spotted again.

14- Maine Coon: kittens price range is between 600 and $1,500 the Maine coon is one of the largest cat breed its Representatives can wait from 11 to 33 pounds and amateur cat's body image for feet in length however despite its fearsome appearance these are affectionate gentle and playful animals.

13- Laperm: kitten the mystery cost from 200 to $2,000 this cat is one of the most unusual free that appeared in 1980 in the USA in addition to their curly hair these cats have one more particular feature there hypoallergenic that's why they're a perfect choice for families with allergy sufferer.

12- Russian blue: you can buy this lucky charm for 400 to $2,000 this is one of the most popular short hair that became known outside Russia in 1893 as the belief says this cat brings good luck to the house.

11- Serengeti cat: you can buy this cat for 602 mm this breed began its history in California in 1994 amateur Serengeti weight is about 17.6 to 26.4 lb they have well-developed bodies large and very long legs.

10- Elf cat: those who are either to buy this unique cat will have to pay a rather large sum of money $2,000 this young cat breed was developed in the USA in 2006 these cats are unbelievably friendly smart mischievous communicative curious and devoted creatures would you like to get one.

9- Toyger: you can get inspired for 500 to $3,000 this large cat breed resembles a tiger with its coat pattern and it explains the names of the breeds founder states that the Twitter was developed to inspire people to think about tiger preservation in the wild.

8- American curl: you can join the American curl admirers for 1,000 to $3,000 this breed was developed in California in 1981 the newborn kittens can hardly be told apart from the adults but as early as the 10th day of their life they're here start turning back to like little horns this particular feature I just hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

7- Bengal cat: is awesome mini leopard cost 1,000 to $4,000 this breed was developed by Crossing an Asian leopard cat domestic these cats love to swim and despite their oppressor size 8.8 to 17.6 lb to the Austin climb their owners shoulders.

6- Safari: you can become an owner of a domestic predator for 4,000 to $8,000 this Rare Breed appeared by crossing a domestic and a South American call Jeffrey Scott the first representatives of the breed were developed in the USA in the 1970s to study leukemia, church at weighs 24.2 lb on average.

5- Khao Manee: this lucky charm sells for 7000 to $11,000 we can find the earliest references to this breed in Tamara mouth or cat book poems in ancient Siam how many lived only with the royal family were considered to be a symbol of luck lungevity as well.

4- Chausie: kittens price varies from 8000 to $10,000 this is one of the rarest cat breed it was developed by crossing a domestic and a jungle cat these are very friendly animals and it's hard for them to Bear loneliness Josie's will be happy with any company whether it's a human other task for even a dog.

3- Caracal: that's why buying a kitten for $7,000 to $10,000 and help to preserve this unique species the caracal is in danger of extinction several years ago I moved from the category of wild Predators 2 exclusive and expensive hats.

2- Savannah cat: get such a wonderful cat you need to have lots of space where to play as well as four thousand to $22,000 this breed was developed by Crossing an African serval and a domestic cat they're the largest cat that weighs an average of 33 lb and is 1.9 feet in height Savannah cat are known for the high level of intelligent mild temper curiosity active nature they love taking a bath walking outdoors and games.

1- Asherah: the Acura is the most exotic domestic cat in the world you can become a proud owner of this Majestic Kitty 420 mm to $100,000 it was bred by crossing a domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat as the breeze founder say Acura is hypoallergenic but there still a discussion concerning this now Frankly Speaking would you like to get one of these precious cast or would you rather prefer adopting a four-legged friend from a shelter let us know in the comments below don't forget to hit the like button and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life. 

What Your Cat's Sleeping Position Reveals About Their Health and Personality


Cat sleeping positions can reveal a lot about their personality, health, and how they're feeling this guy breaks down the most common cat sleeping positions and explains the science behind why can't sleep in certain ways.

1- Curled up: in the curled-up position the cat curls its tail around its body and Tucks its head towards the chest this resting position means that your cat might be trying to conserve body heat and provide protection to the fundamental parts of its body it's the most common sleeping position for animals in the wild to as it helps them conserve warmth and protects the vital organs.

2- A cat in a box: senior cat sleeping all cuddled up inside a box is definitely a sight to relish however more than being cute it conveys a very strong message about your cat a cat in a box position means that your cat is worried about it security and is seeking comfort and protection when cats sleep in smaller congested areas that shows their concern about safety solid walls of a box make them feel secure by providing them with a tight and secure space other than boxes cats may also seek out drawers bowls and other objects that they can fit tightly into you need to assess why your dad is worried about her safety maybe she is scared of other pets or children in the household you can help her out by creating an enclosed box with sufficient fluffiness inside to help her sleep comfortably.

3- Belly up position: a cat stomach is its most vulnerable area so if your cat is sleeping in a belly up position in which the legs are pointed at weird angles while the stomach is facing the ceiling this is a sign that your cat feels comfortable and safe in your home you can consider yourself lucky that you've won the trust of your fluffy pet that's because cats are usually concerned about their safety and won't expose their vulnerable Parts when they aren't sure about their surroundings sleeping on their back is an indication that your pet is confident and relaxed with its surroundings.

4- The Half-Eye shut position: no matter how well domesticated your cats are there natural instinct to hunting prey cannot be curved one thing about Predators is that they hunt and do not like to get hunted in return this is the reason that your cat is not closing its eyes all the way even though it is dozing off in this position you will notice that your cat's ears are constantly moving which means your pet is alert this shallow form of sleep can last for hours your pet is aware of what is going on and its surroundings and any unusual sound will do the cat into complete attention in another version of this position the cat sleeps with one eye shut and the other open this is called unihemispheric slow-wave sleep in this form half of the brain is in unconscious while the other half is conscious and alert this form of sleeping is beneficial because your cat can rest even in places with some sense of threat.

5- The loaf position: this is another funny sleeping position that will leave you perplexed and bring a warm smile to your face in this position the Cat Sits upright but tucked front paws under the body if you find your cat sleeping in a loaf like position this means that your cat does not want to sleep for long and is only resting before the next activity usually in the low Physicians the cat keeps both or at least one eye shut.

6- Sleeping sideways: sleeping sideways is an extremely relaxing sleeping position for a cat sleeping on one side with their limbs stretched out means that your cat is fully content and feeling safe your cat is in total relaxation mode and does not feel the need to remain alert usually cats fall into a deep sleep in this position.

7- Paw above the face position: all over face is one of the most adorable sleeping positions, two cats which will leave you surprised at most times when the Cat puts up across the face Masters fence post or the tops of doors typically the cat dangles down all four legs in this position.

8- Monorail cat: this position is called the monorail because the posture of the cat is such that it resembles a monorail transit system cats have zero understanding of architectural rules regarding access and functionality they like to rest in this position as it is more suitable for General surveillance.

9- The contortionist: the contortionist twists and bends their body into unnatural positions a cat in the contortionist Position will sleep all twisted up with their limbs hanging in different directions Weller head is Twisted at weird angles every time you see your cat sleeping in this position you may find it difficult to suppress your laughter some owners worried that the odd angles will hurt their cat but this isn't generally the case as cats have very flexible spines given their exceptionally elastic vertebrae and furry body there is no particular reason behind this position and your cat might only choose it because it is comforting to them at the time so there you have it all the most important and commonly observed cat sleeping positions lined up for you you can now easily understand all those Untold signals and signs that your cat cannot tell you themselves you can find out whether your cat is feeling secure or threatened and if they're sleeping comfortably or not. 




This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.