Can Cats EAT DOG FOOD? - Cat Officiel
News Update

Wednesday, April 28, 2021



If dogs and cats live in the same home you will probably have noticed one trying to eat the others food?

You may have also wondered is this healthy can you offer dog food to a cat in an emergency in this Cat site will answer these questions and explain what happens when cats eat dog.

Composition of Dog food: Dog food  and cat food is manufactured according to different formulas and recipes they're made of different ingredients to meet the very nutritional needs of each animal Austin further specified by catering to different stages of the lights or to certain health issues for this reason food for dogs contains high concentrations of betta carotene which the dog needs to convert into vitamin-a this is crucial for K9 development and don't put it in rice with other vitamins and fiber what is also lower and proteins and fat than cat food this is because dog tend to gain weight more easily when these elements are of a higher concentration something which will happen if they eat cat food regularly Freddy dog it's best to eat food specific to the species age and state of well-being.

What does a cat need for nutrition? Unlike the canine diet cats need food rich in protein and fat but lower and fiber it is crucial that cats eat a diet rich in vitamin A since they are unable to metabolize this on the road the same can be said of touring an amino acid with cats in the wild up in for me especially viscera such as the liver or heart they are unable to produce it on their own so it needs to be provided their food taurine is extremely important for the health of a cat a diet insufficient in the substance will result in various health problems with heart disease being particularly concerning similarly when you think about our cat's diet we need to keep in mind there are obligate carnivores this is due to the importance of having the high and mighty footings finding meet these proteins are necessary for the cat to have energy to adequately carry out an active life another obligatory element of a cat's diet is arachidonic acid important omega-6 fatty acid needed for feline Health dogs not require this in their food is their body produces it naturally cats needed to be included in the food with the nutritional Necessities mind you may still be worried about the consequences of one pets do in the others food if a cat eats your dog's food on a one-off occasion should be no serious repercussions for the health problems only likely to occur when it becomes a regular practice this may happen either because of pet odor decides to feed them the same food or unable to prevent one from eating the others food as we have already explained the different fees are formulated free species if your cat has a tendency to eat the dog's food instead of their own the nutritional needs will not be match the consequence if your cat will get sick starting with symptoms you make infused with other illnesses such as discomfort vomiting diarrhea for hair loss in the long run the result will be malnutrition leading to kidney and liver disease which can be lethal in cats if your cat eats the dog's food regularly or vice versa you will need to find ways to avoid it here are three helpful tips dogs and cats distinguish shapes and sizes so having two equally shitballs for both pets can make it difficult for them to identify which food has their own purchase containers have different shapes and sizes to avoid confusion whether or not you spend all day at home having a schedule for meals is crucial different feeding schedule the ones you to control the amount they eat as well as helping them to be hungry at different times if your dog or cat has a weakness for the other Foods especially when the heat at the same time of day it's best to serve their food in different parts of the home you can even close off doors during feeding time at necessary this will help them to know where the food is when they need it until leave the others alone know you know why it's not good for a cat to eat dog food in a regular basis you may have your own experience to share if so leave us a comment. 

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